A New Year for the Dead Coder Society

The Dead Coder Society has been undergoing some serious changes. A majority of the original members have graduated from Stockton. We’re left with the question, “What next?”

We’re still meeting and our online discussion is more active than ever before. We’re meeting outside of Stockton. It takes more work to organize a meeting outside of Stockton. We’re not just staying after class anymore; we’re planning travel and figuring out dates that work with work schedules and the real world. We’re changing.

When we do meet, the discussions are as good as they’ve ever been, as most times they’re even better. We’ve seen new members raise the bar and old members step forward with new presentation material. The hunger is still there.

Presentations have taken on a new form. We’ve moved from a central topic to an extended lightning talk cycle. Each member presents one topic in a summarized way. Anyone can interrupt the discussion, and there’s no time limit. Talks tend to last 20 minutes, but nearly every member is able to contribute. This is largely thanks due to the reduced frequency of our meetings. I’ve noticed that other members are taking in the presentations and are really applying the technology in a practical way.

There’s still a lot of work that can be done to advance the group and overall goal of promoting discussion and ideas. Cheers to the Dead Coder Society.

One response to “A New Year for the Dead Coder Society”

  1. Thank’s for taking the time to write this up Stan!

    Now that most of us are graduating and looking for full time jobs, it has really changed the atmosphere within the group. The motivation level of the members is definitely at an all time high, and the amount of devotion that is put into projects is unbelievable. It’s always exciting to see what you guys come up with, and personally it is a major drive to push myself to achieve greater things.

    We’ve done some great things so far and I hope we can continue to share and learn from each other even more in 2012.

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